Masy Consultants team members Samantha Peirson and Georjia Newhouse attended the Asia Water Forum 2022, sponsored by the Asian Development Bank, to increase their knowledge and passion for new developments in WASH.
On the week of the 8th of August, the Asian Development Bank organised The Asia Water Forum 2022. Georgia Newhouse and Samantha Peirson represented Masy Consultants by engaging in several seminars, discussing emerging solutions to current WASH challenges in Asia.
This was an amazing opportunity for Masy to learn about other emerging WASH technologies and innovations. As well as developing networks with other changemakers in the sector, the opportunity exposed our newest team members to Asia’s current water challenges, deepening their understanding of the unique value proposition of WASHEd in the Philippines and wider Asia-Pacific region.
Taking place over four days, Masy Consultants participated in sessions that explored digitisation in WASH, increased emphasis on inclusivity with regards to WASH amenities, and the role of young leaders play in creating a water-conscious society.
“This was a deeply enriching experience that allowed us to enrich our knowledge in the field and how other organisations are making an impact“, said Samantha Peirson. Masy Consultants is looking forward to using the knowledge, resources and networks gained through the Forum to continue its work with teachers to ensure safer access to water for all.
A special thanks to the Asian Development Bank for their role in facilitating the Asia Water Forum 2022.
About Masy Consultants
Masy Consultants is a social enterprise that provides clients with services ranging from project management and consultations to community engagement in the areas of clean water, sanitation, and renewable energy. With a team of professionals based across Australia and the Asia-Pacific, Masy remains results-driven, collaborative and resilient when it comes to delivering the best possible outcomes. Learn more at
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